
Cutting Sugar Improves Children’s Health Instantly


A new study has found that cutting sugar for just nine days improves children’s health. The benefits are even greater for kids with chronic metabolic disorders like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

According to the October 27 edition of the journal Obesity, there is a direct link between metabolic syndrome and sugar consumption. This explains why children who stopped eating sugar experienced major improvements in cholesterol levels, insulin levels, and diastolic blood pressure

Does Sugar Make Kids Sick?
The harmful effects of sugar on children’s health have been long studied. The medical community agrees that high-sugar diets may lead to behavioral problems, cavities, tooth decay, childhood obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Kids who eat sweet treats regularly are more likely to develop food allergies, cold, flu, acid reflex, and sinus infections. Sugar weakens the immune system and affects the balance of good and bad bacteria, leaving children more vulnerable to diseases.

This recent study was conducted on 43 children ages 9 to 18. All subjects were obese and had at least one chronic illness. They received healthy meals and beverages for nine days. Refined sugar has been replaced with starches. When the study ended, every aspect of their metabolic health improved, including LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting blood glucose. This shows how much harm sugar can cause to human health.

How to Limit Sugar in Your Child’s Diet
Cutting back on sugar is one of the best things you can do for your kids. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure they eat healthy. Start by cooking more often. Make your own cookies and desserts using whole flour, almond flour, cinnamon, oat bran and other natural ingredients. Replace sugar with stevia, vanilla essence, carob powder, or fruit.

If your kids are craving sugar, give them a handful of berries or homemade popsicles. Read nutrition labels when shopping for food, and make smarter choices. Avoid hidden sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup, molasses, and agave nectar. Be a role model for your children and ditch the sugar from your diet.

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