
Could Walking Meetings Be the Key to Better Health?

The new trend of walking meetings has taken the world by storm. According to researchers, taking your next meeting for a walk can increase lifespan, boost your creativity, and keep your brain sharp. This habit could bring longer lives to office workers and reduce health care costs.

Why Walking Meetings Are Good for Health
Walking meetings seem to be the next big thing. This emerging trend is gaining popularity worldwide. Office workers who attend walking meetings are more energized and alert, think clearer, and make better decisions. They are also more inspired and creative in finding new solutions. Some of the world’s greatest leaders, such as Jeff Weiner, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs praised the benefits of walking meetings.

A study has found that changing just one seated meeting per week into a walking meeting can make it easier to get your daily dose of exercise. This habit helps increase the levels of physical activity in the workplace and reduce the harmful effects of prolonged sitting. Other studies have shown that engaging in moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, can increase lifespan by up to three years.

Get Healthier and More Productive
According to health experts, walking meetings may increase productivity in the workplace and keep employees motivated. In a recent study, office workers who attended walking meetings reported an increase of 5.25 percent in creativity compared to those participating in traditional sit-down meetings.

From better overall health to greater energy and stamina, walking meetings have a wealth of benefits. By adopting this habit, you can significantly lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, poor circulation, and other disorders associated with prolonged sitting. Walking for just a few minutes a day can help reduce high blood pressure, prevent weight gain, and improve cardiovascular function. It’s also one of the best ways to lift your mood and ward off depression, anxiety, and stress in the workplace.

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