
Could Alcohol Be the Deadliest Drug?

Ever wonder exactly how bad alcohol really is for you? Can you enjoy a glass of wine occasionally, or should you avoid alcohol altogether? The latest studies indicate that alcohol could be the world’s deadliest drug. It’s even worse than cannabis, ecstasy, and LSD. Although drinking alcohol is legal and socially acceptable, its side effects could ruin your life.

The Dangers of Alcohol Use
When you drink beer, wine, or spirits, the alcohol is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. This substance affects every system in your body, including your heart, brain, muscles, and bones. Common side effects include arrhythmia, slurred speech, poor coordination, muscle cramps, upset stomach, and brain fog.

Over time, alcohol consumption can lead to malnutrition, sexual dysfunction, infertility, and liver disease. Compared to 20 other drugs, alcohol is the most likely to cause injuries, suicide, car accidents, and financial problems. Its side effects shouldn’t be overlooked. Many people who drink alcohol experience blackouts, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and aggressive behavior. This drug slows the function of the central nervous system and can easily cause addiction.

What about Wine?
Despite what the wine industry tells you, alcohol is bad. Most brands of wine contain over 12 percent alcohol along with sulfites and arsenic. Despite its popularity, this beverage can lead to chronic liver damage, weight gain, insomnia, premature aging, and low testosterone. Some of the most beloved wines contain up to five times the allowable concentration of arsenic, which puts you at risk for bladder, kidney, skin, liver, lung, and prostate cancer.

Red wine is high in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that fights aging and free radical damage. However, too much of it does exactly the opposite. High doses of resveratrol can lead to muscle damage and speed up the aging process. Additionally, there are better sources of resveratrol, such as grapes and cocoa beans, so there is no need to drink alcohol to receive the benefits.

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