
Are You Making One of These 5 Common Cast Iron Skillet Mistakes?


Cast iron skillets are a favorite in the kitchen, but if you’re not properly caring for them you may be missing out on some killer culinary potential. Check out these 5 do’s and don’t’s for keeping your cast iron skillet in awesome condition!

Don’t Treat Your Skillet Like a One Stop Pan

If you only had one pan to use for the rest of your life, the cast iron skillet woud be an excellent pick. It can handle everything from mac n’ cheese to scrambled eggs. It’s great for frying up a steak and a decadent way to serve up a brownie. While your skillet can handle a lot, it can’t handle it all. Avoid cooking highly acidic foods, and foods that take a long time to cook like chilis, tomato sauces and stews. Highly acidic foods tend to take on an abrasive metallic taste when cooked in a cast iron skillet.

Don’t Skip The Seasoning

Before you start using your cast iron skillet it’s important to know what kind of skillet you have. If your skillet is coated with enamel, you don’t have to worry about seasoning the pan. If you have a standard cast iron skillet with a black bottom, you’ll need to prepare, or season the pan to ensure that your food won’t stick to the bottom.

Don’t Avoid Using Soap

While tradition says that you should avoid soap at all costs, a tiny bit of soap for hard to remove bits of burnt on, crusty food, won’t hurt. However, If the food isn’t stuck on or difficult to remove, all you’ll need is hot water and a strong bristled brush.

Yes, You Can Use Metal Utensils

Thanks to the seasoning process, cast iron skillets are non-stick. While you wouldn’t use a metal spatula with a typical non-stick pan, it’s perfectly fine to use it with this durable skillet. When cooking delicate dishes such as eggs or a fish filet, using a metal spatual rather than a wooden will make cooking much easier. However, if you have an enamel coated skillet, it’s best to skip the metal utenisils.

Don’t Air Dry Your Skillet

Don’t forget- your skillet is iron! It’s prone to rusting if you let it air dry. Instead of air drying your skillet, wipe it down with a clean cloth or paper towel to prevent any moisture from lingering. Experts also recommend setting your skillet over low heat for a few minutes to draw out any lingering moisture.

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