
Are You In Love


It’s true – love does make you feel 10ft tall. There’s no other feeling like being in love! Everything is magical. The world seems brighter and vibrant. You’re in a constant state of euphoria, grinning from ear to ear, daydreaming about that special someone. It feels as if you’re floating on a cuddly cloud of bliss.

How can you tell if you’ve fallen in love? How do you know if what you’re feeling is love? Is there a way to tell if you’ve truly fallen madly in love with this person who makes your heart skip a beat? Yes, there is! Check out these tell-tale signs of being in love!

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You have awesome chemistry

Physical and intellectual sparks are a necessary part of being in love. If your romance feels electric, you’re probably in love!

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You can see a future with your partner

Without a doubt, you factor in your partner when it comes to future plans. You’re not just fantasizing about the possibility of a future with this person, you’re making tangible plans that include them. This is the person you’re beginning to build the rest of your life with.

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You love spending time with them

You genuinely enjoy simply being with your partner. Not only are you attracted to them, you want to be physically near them at all times. Science says this desire to be near your partner is similar to the drive to survive.

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You often bring them up in conversation

They’re a huge part of your life, so you can’t help but bring them up in conversation. They’re always on your mind and everything reminds you of them. It’s reported that people who are in love spend 85% of their day thinking about their significant other.

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Your priorities have changed

It’s all about you and your honey. Suddenly, your priorities have shifted and you’re putting your partner first. Things that used to take a front seat in your life, no longer do. Without even realizing it, you may be changing your interests to better fit with those of your partner. It’s very common for people in love to change their mannerisms, speech patterns, clothing, values or habits to match with their partner’s.

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You only see the best in them

You love and embrace the parts of themselves that they hate. You look beyond their flaws and quirks; to you they’re adorably sweet. You’d rather focus on their positive traits because of increased amounts of central dopamine and central norepinephrine.

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You’re not dwelling on past relationships

Things are going so well in this relationship that you’re not thinking about the people you dated in the past. You’re not keeping in touch with old flames and you’re not checking up on them on social media.

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You feel comfortable being open with your partner

You trust your partner with your emotions and you’re never worried that you’ll be judged. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable in front of them and they’re the first person you want to share good or bad news with.

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You can’t imagine a life without them

A life without your babe just isn’t an option. You don’t even know what life would look like without them next to you.

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