Are There Any Dairy-Free Sources of Calcium?

Want to get more calcium in your diet? Contrary to popular belief, milk and dairy are not the only sources of calcium. If you’re a vegan or lactose intolerant, load up on veggies. This mineral is also found in salmon, sardines, oranges, and almonds.

Most adults need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. If you don’t like or can not eat dairy products, you can still meet your daily calcium requirements. Simply add these foods to your diet:

Leafy Green Vegetables
Spinach, broccoli, kale, collard greens and other vegetables are packed with calcium. For example, one cup of cooked spinach provides about 250 milligrams, which is a quarter of the recommended daily intake. Two cups of kale have over 18 milligrams of calcium. Turnip greens deliver nearly 200 milligrams of calcium per cup. Leafy green vegetables also contain fiber and antioxidants that support optimal health.

One cup of cooked edamame has 98 milligrams of calcium, which is about 10 percent of the recommended daily amount. This soybean packs a lot of nutrients, such as zinc, magnesium, and iron. It’s also one of the few vegetable sources of complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids.

Chia Seeds
These tiny seeds are an excellent source of fiber, omega-3 fats, and magnesium. Two tablespoons deliver 177 mg of calcium. When consumed regularly, chia seeds help build stronger bones, increase your energy levels, and promote weight loss. They also have appetite suppressing effects and reduce hunger.

Sesame Seeds
Another good source of calcium is sesame seeds, which provide 351 milligrams of this nutrient per quarter cup. They also boast decent amounts of copper, manganese, protein, fiber, and healthy fats. To reap their benefits, use them in stirfry, salads, dips, and hummus.

Soy Milk
With more than 368 milligrams of calcium per serving, soy milk should be a staple in your diet. This nutrient-dense beverage will strengthen your bones, leave your skin smooth, and reduce bad cholesterol levels. On top of that, it’s cholesterol free and has up to 50 percent more calcium than regular milk.

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