
America’s Obesity Epidemic Is on the Rise

According to the latest reports, America’s obesity epidemic is only getting worse. Currently, more than 40 percent of the population is obese. Despite the public campaigns that encourage healthy eating and exercise, obesity has reached a new high in the U.S. This problem takes its toll on the health of adults and teenagers alike.

More than one third of Americans are obese. A large number of them suffer from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and other obesity-related disorders. This problem affects people of all ages, including children. Statistics show that over 17 percent of teens are obese and have a BMI over 30. In 2013-2014, about 10 percent of American women and five percent of men were morbidly obese, with a BMI of 40 or more.

The obesity epidemic in America has worsened over the past three decades. Health experts claim that 44 percent of U.S. adults and teens will be obese by 2030. What’s interesting is that those with education beyond high school are less likely to become obese. About 29 percent of those facing this problem say they lack purpose in life. Could obesity be related to depression and daily stress?

Researchers have come up with several theories that could explain the rising obesity rates in the U.S. Some blame portion sizes and junk food. Others claim that food industry marketing plays a key role in the obesity epidemic. This problem could be also triggered by financial struggles, chronic stress, excessive workload, and bad lifestyle habits, such as the tendency to eat while watching TV.

A major risk factor for obesity is the electronic media that has taken the world by storm. More and more people are spending their time surfing the Web, watching television, or playing games online. Outdoor activities are a thing of the past for many adults and kids.

Another possible reason for the obesity epidemic is the consumption of high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, and trans fats. These ingredients are found in millions of foods. Over time, they cause changes in gut bacteria, mess up hunger hormones, and affect DNA. All these factors combined may lead to weight gain.

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