A New Era in Exercise with an Online Personal Trainer

A comparison of an Online Personal Trainer versus a real life trainer.

An online personal trainer sounds akin to something from William Gibson’s Sprawl series of novels. His envisioned cyberspace has come true, after all, but not to the extent that it is almost an alternate reality. So do not expect an artificial intelligence or razorgirls, but one may expect advances that would have sounded alien a hundred years ago. A personal trainer in real life is a good fire starter: they get you going and do not let you stop. Encouragement and knowledge in body development puts them in an excellent position. The specialized knowledge they possess allows them to earn a good price per hour.

However, an online personal trainer has a couple reasons that put them above an instructor in a gym. First, the instruction is online. All the convenience of home enjoyed while exercising. With technology like Apple TV, the trainer could be on your HDTV, guiding you through the workout in your living room. Traffic, road conditions and, for city folk, no bad air is dealt with in your sanctum. There is only what you want. You could even workout with nothing on, though there may be chafing, uncomfortable movements of certain parts and other unforeseen complications with that.

Another beautiful thing about an online personal trainer again stems from being available online. If the trainer is annoying, one may switch to another. The best websites have a variety of trainers representing both genders to choose from. With the webcam options, one may choose to not be viewed. Sure, it can be one-sided, but the Internet is a great place for an alias. Are you an A-list movie star that does not want the hassle of finding a respectful, discreet and affordable personal trainer? Finding an online personal trainer to fit your needs would work well.

An online personal trainer allows for your exercise routine to be taken anywhere there is an Internet connection. Hotel rooms, a quiet bar lounge or even a park, one does not have to miss their daily routine while travelling. One cannot pack their personal trainer into a carry on, but a laptop would be easy. Rumour has it that first class travelling allows for more room. One does not need much room to do some of the simpler exercises.

An added bonus, or detracted cost, is that an online personal trainer will not cost as much per hour as one in real life. On top of the gym costs, if a person is using a gym, obtaining the services of a personal trainer could be expensive: upwards of $50 per hour. While the positive benefits to a trainer being physically beside you include getting you going, keeping you going, and human interaction, the same atmosphere may be recreated online.

One of the most innovative businesses that hire out an online personal trainer would have to be GymRa. Their selection of trainers, customization of workout routines and online availability are unsurpassed in the arena of online exercise. A Google search will show plenty of information and while Youtube likely has many exercise videos available, professional companies like GymRa cannot be beat by home-made videos with unaccountable instructors.

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