This new feature makes weight loss goals seem less daunting!
1. Choose your gender, then your height, current weight and goal weight. For a more fun and customizable experience, you can choose hair color and style, eye, nose, & lip shape, skin tone, outfit, and background.
2. When you are finished entering all your preferences, click “I’m Done.” This will generate an 8 week challenge of workouts, as well as a healthy, nutritious recipe per week that will help you reach your goal weight.
Start now!
Hello, this doesn’t seem to be working properly for me. When I put in my info and click to generate the links of the work out and diet plan don’t go anywhere??
Hi Helaina,
Clicking on “See Diet for the Week” will give you a whole weeks worth of recipes and clicking on each individual day on the calendar will open up a video for you. It seems to be working fine on our end. If you’re still experiencing issues, please let us know.
Thank you
Thanks! I’ve tried on another computer and it works now:)