
7 Ways to Balance Self-Care With Your Side Hustle

Running your own business can be incredibly rewarding, but it also takes its toll physically and mentally. To keep your energy up and maintain your health, here are seven ways to balance self-care with your side hustle.

1. Slow Down
Stress, anxiety, and poor sleep can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. So can a lack of exercise. Finding ways to reduce stress is critical for your side hustle to succeed. Slow down and find some time each day to relax, or try meditation or yoga as a way to de-stress. Taking a break before you get too stressed helps prevent burnout.

2. Schedule Breaks
Set a time limit on your work session and stick to it. Working for 60 to 90 minutes at a time is optimal. If you’re feeling burnt out or think you’ve been looking at your computer screen too long, step away from your computer and take a break. Stretch or do some light exercise, have a quick snack, or spend 10 minutes outside getting some fresh air before returning to work.

3. Find Time for Hobbies
No matter how committed you are to your side hustle, it’s easy for it to overtake your whole life. So it’s essential to find time for regular self-care. That may mean running, catching up with friends in Los Angeles, CA, or taking up a new hobby like calligraphy or pottery. Ensure you schedule time for fun and relaxation each week, and make these hobbies a key part of your side hustle plan.

4. Eat Healthily
Healthy eating doesn’t mean you have to give up all your favorite foods and snacks. Instead, focus on making small changes that lead to long-term results. Look for healthier alternatives, such as using plain greek yogurt and skipping sugary desserts or sugary carbonated drinks in favor of green tea.

5. Exercise
An exercise routine can improve both your physical and mental health. Start small, and don’t set yourself up for failure by expecting a radical transformation in a short time. Choose one thing to focus on initially, such as elevating your heart rate for 30 minutes daily. Setting realistic goals is key to making progress. If you try to make drastic changes too fast, those changes may be difficult to sustain.

6. Use Apps
While it might be intimidating, technology has made self-care easier and more accessible. There are countless apps for your phone to remind you to take breaks, prioritize sleep, exercise, and get support from others who understand what you’re going through. Here are a few favorites:

• Calm for meditation
• Sleep Cycle for monitoring how well you sleep
• MyFitnessPal for tracking calories and nutrition
• Fitbit for monitoring steps and exercise

7. Get Plenty Of Sleep
You have to get enough sleep. Whether you’re working on your business during business hours or running it at night, getting enough rest helps keep stress levels down and allows you to focus better. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Running a Smooth Business
Running a side hustle takes time, commitment, and focus. Your self-care can help boost your productivity and make your business run more smoothly.

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