How to Make Lasting Changes if You’re Struggling with New Years Resolutions
Some of the most common New Years resolutions involve losing weight, eating healthier, exercising more, and saving money. Unfortunately, in 1-3 months, many people fall off track and into self-loathing.
It’s important not to beat yourself up if you make some missteps, but what might be even more important is to not try to go back to what you were doing. Instead, you should assess what went wrong so you can start a new plan.
One thing you should consider is what your true objective is. For a lot of people, whatever their resolutions may be, the outcome they most likely hope for is happiness, or at the very least, satisfaction.
The problem with looking for this outcome is that happiness is fleeting and not a destination you can reach if you do x, y, and z. You’ve heard it before: it’s about the journey, not the destination.
Instead of trying to make big changes at once and hoping for a completely new outlook or feeling, try making some small adjustments or additions in your life that include things that not only make you healthier, but also happier.
This can include starting new hobbies, spending more time with family and friends, and of course – taking care of your health and finances.
Starting small and enjoying the process will increase the likelihood of longterm success.