Yoga lovers, rejoice! You have a scientific reason to love your practice even more. According to four recent studies, evidence shows that regularly practicing yoga can greatly reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.
A study of 23 male veterans, who practiced hatha yoga twice a week for eight weeks, found a decline in depression among their group. Another report studied two groups of women, with only half of the women practicing Bikram yoga twice a week, for eight weeks. The group who went to yoga reported feeling better than the group that did not hit the mat. The best part? These uplifting results lasted well after the initial study was over.
The additional studies confirmed what the two previous studies concluded: individuals who consistently attended yoga found that their depressive symptoms were remarkably reduced.
While these results are promising news for those suffering with depression, it should be noted that this is not a cure-all remedy for those battling with mental health issues. Yoga should be used as a complementary therapy for those with chronic depression.
Roll out your mat and get ready to feel the stress and anxiety melt away!