According to recent studies, a staggering number of Americans (90%!) are unhappy with their belly fat and abdominal muscle tone. Nobody wants a muffin top, but a nice looking body is not the only concern when it comes to stomach fat. A range of health problems from bloating and heartburn to diabetes and heart disease, can develop due to excess belly fat.
The good news is that you can create healthy habits that will help you get rid of the problem and live a healthier, happier life.
You may avoid seeing a doctor or personal trainer due to budget, but your health should be a priority! It’s highly recommended to see a doctor before starting a new fitness or diet program, particularly if you are obese, diabetic, or have had issues with eating disorders.
A personal trainer can be a great help if you’re a beginner or have trouble getting motivated. They will guide you through the proper exercises to reach your goals while making sure that you’re keeping good form to avoid injuries. They also provide encouragement and inspiration that many of us need during our weight loss journey.
If a couple weeks fly by and you’re not seeing much progress, DON’T GIVE UP! These things take time, especially if you’re doing a complete overhaul to your diet and exercise routine. Just keep at it and make sure you’re consistent.
If you come across a pill, supplement, or program that guarantees quick & rapid weight loss, don’t fall for it! These things may help temporarily, but nobody wants a short-term solution to a longterm problem. You should think about adjusting your habits and lifestyle so that you become healthier overall and remain that way, rather than rapidly dropping weight.
If you have a sweet tooth, sugar may be your biggest issue when it comes to weight loss. Indulging in a treat here or there is no big deal, but foods and drinks with added sugar should not be a regular staple in your diet. Meaning 90% of your diet should consist of real food, not packaged meals or soft drinks. Next time you’re craving something sweet, grab some fruit. Just don’t go overboard – even healthy food can make you gain weight if you eat too much of it.
While doing abs & core exercises are great for toning your midsection and carving out a six pack, doing them alone will not get rid of belly fat. It’s been scientifically proven that isolating muscle groups does not work. You must work it from head to toe (in addition to maintaining a clean diet) to get rid of fat.