
When Does Exercise Become Harmful?

How many hours do you exercise each week? How long does a workout session last? Health experts claim that training too hard for too long is just as bad as no exercise at all. Unless you’re a pro athlete, working out for hours every day can do more harm than good. Too much exercise can depress the immune system, raise cortisol levels, and put stress on your joints.

What Are the Signs of Unhealthy Exercise Addiction?
Compulsive exercise or anorexia athletica can be defined as an addiction to exercise. Those who have this problem may become anxious and feel guilty when they’re not working out. Even though it’s difficult to draw a clear line between regular exercise and over-exercise, there are some signs to watch for:

You become anxious if you skip a workout
You ignore pain, tiredness, and fatigue
Your workout programme rules your life
You’re spending hours every day working out

Even though most athletes and pro bodybuilders have these symptoms, it doesn’t mean they’re dealing with anorexia athletica. It’s their job to train hard and get in the best shape possible. However, this doesn’t apply to the average person. Athletes do work out a lot, but they also have a special diet and take supplements that help them recover and stay strong.

The Dangers of Compulsive Exercise
Compulsive exercise is just as dangerous as anorexia and bulimia. This disorder can lead to injury, amenorrhea, low heart rate, stress fractures, anxiety, depression, low immunity, fatigue, muscle pain and soreness, stiff joints, and extreme weight loss. In general, people who over-exercise do so to deal with emotions like sadness, loneliness, or anger.

Working out is one of the best ways to relieve stress and calm your mind. However, it’s not a substitute for love, friends, or happiness. If you train hard seven days a week, slow down and take a break. Don’t forget that rest is just as important as exercise.

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