
Can You Be Too Sore to Exercise?

Does your body hurt after working out? Are you constantly dealing with muscle soreness? What you’re feeling is completely normal. Muscle soreness is often a good indicator that you’ve worked out really hard. It also shows that your muscles are getting stronger. The question is: how sore is too sore to work out? Can you go to the gym the next day despite feeling the burn? It depends on the type of soreness you’re dealing with.

What Causes Muscle Soreness?
There are two main types of muscle soreness, and each requires a different approach. The burning sensation you feel while exercising is caused by lactic acid buildup. In general, it goes away by itself within an hour.

If the pain and discomfort occurs between 24 and 48 hours after working out, you’re dealing with DOMS. This term stands for delayed onset muscle soreness, and it usually occurs anytime you try new exercises or lifting techniques. The burning sensation should gradually decrease after 72 hours. DOMS is caused by microscopic tears in the muscles.

Can You Still Work Out While Sore?
Delayed onset muscle soreness can affect your workouts by limiting your strength and range of motion. Localized pain and swelling may occur too. If you find it difficult to make your way down stairs, then working out isn’t a good idea. What you need is plenty of rest. Your body needs time to recover, so eat well and don’t push yourself too hard.

Is It Possible to Avoid Post-Workout Soreness?
The best way to prevent muscle soreness is to plan your workouts carefully. Avoid training the same muscle group within 36 hours. If possible, alternate between upper and lower body workouts. For example, if you’re training back and biceps today, hit the legs tomorrow.

Make sure you eat according to your goals. A diet that’s too low in calories or protein can increase your risk of developing DOMS. Eat lean protein and fast digesting carbs post workout to replenish muscle glycogen stores and prevent soreness.

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