
5 Things Everyone Should Know about Nutrition


Good nutrition can be confusing. Basic concepts, such as portion size, calorie intake, and meat consumption, are subject to debate. Everyone seems to have an opinion on what we should eat. Health experts don’t seem to agree on anything. Some believe that saturated fats are harmful. Others claim the opposite. Another hot topic is egg consumption. Does the yolk affect cholesterol levels or not?

With so much contradictory information, it can be hard to tell what healthy eating looks like. However, there are some things everyone should know about nutrition.

Exercise Can Not Compensate for Bad Eating
Like it or not, you need to eat healthy to maintain your weight and prevent diseases. You cannot compensate for poor nutrition by working out more or taking supplements. Health is 80% diet and 20 percent exercise.

You Don’t Need to Eat Every Three Hours
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not necessary to eat every two or three hours. What matters is how much you eat throughout the day. As long as you meet your calorie goals and choose nutritious, healthy foods, you’re on the right track. Studies indicate that smaller, frequent meals have no impact on metabolism or weight loss.

Protein Is Essential
Regardless of your diet, it’s essential to get enough protein. Every cell in your body needs protein to survive. Under certain circumstances, this nutrient is used as a source of energy. Depending on your activity level, eat at least 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Fad Diets Don’t Work
Any diet that eliminates entire food groups will eventually fail. You may shed a few pounds at the beginning, but the results won’t last. The key to permanent weight loss is to change your eating habits and stay active.

Eggs Are Safe
According to the latest studies, dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on blood cholesterol levels. This means that egg yolks and other foods high in cholesterol are safe for health. Sugar and trans fats are far more dangerous.

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