How often do you drink coke? Is it once a day, once a week, or once a month? Research shows that coca cola could cause immediate health problems, even when consumed in tiny doses. The world’s most popular beverage increases your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, and stroke. Diet coke isn’t safe either.
Why Is Coca Cola Dangerous?
Coca Cola is a billion dollar industry. The average American consumes about 403 cans of coke each year. In Mexico, the average annual consumption of coke is 728 servings per person, followed by Chile with 460 servings per capita. Even though most people know about the health risks involved, they keep buying Coca Cola.
One serving of coke has over 10 teaspoons of sugar, which enters your bloodstream within 10 minutes of drinking the Cola. Within 20 minutes, your blood glucose levels increase, causing an insulin spike. At the same time, your liver turns extra sugar into fat. Within 40 minutes, caffeine absorption is complete, leading to increased blood pressure. Within 45 minutes, your dopamine levels increase. This is the same reaction caused by heroin.
Within one hour of drinking coke, the phosphoric acid binds calcium and other minerals in your gut while the caffeine’s diuretic effects kick in. The sugar levels in your blood decrease, leaving you sluggish and fatigued. At this point, you’ll experience sugar cravings and hunger. This process applies to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.
Are You Addicted to Coca Cola?
This beverage stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain the same way heroin does. Over time, it causes addiction and affects your overall health. The more coke you drink, the more you’ll crave it.
Coca cola contains nothing but empty calories, so there’s no reason to include it in your diet. It has no nutritional value and may lead to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and premature aging. Drinking one glass of coke a week won’t kill you – just make sure it doesn’t become a habit.