What Makes a Workout Enjoyable?

For a fitness routine to be sustainable, it has to be enjoyable. If you actively pursue a life filled with health and fitness, chances are you have already found a routine that works well for you. However, sometimes we grow tired of our routines and need to freshen them up by adding or subtracting different things. If you’re new to fitness, the possibilities are endless and you don’t have to settle. Working out in a class, with a personal trainer, or following along with a fitness video are some of the best ways to get into an exercise routine, and can also be a great way to continue feeling motivated. So what are some of the factors people take into consideration when they’re seeking out a new routine? GymRa has an option for everything you are looking for!

The Trainer
The trainer that you’re following will be the driving force of the video, class, or session, so being comfortable with and enjoying their style is very important. An encouraging and engaging trainer who is upbeat and fun, yet challenging enough to make you really sweat is what most people are looking for. At GymRa, we have a diverse selection of trainers to choose from. Check out their routines with our free samples and take your time deciding who you want to workout with!

Variety is extremely important when it comes to exercising. Without variety, you will eventually burn out and lose interest in your routine. Luckily, GymRa has created a library of videos and gifs that cover all muscles and body parts, utilize different types of equipment, and different types of exercises. Whether you’re interested in weight training, overall toning, or yoga, we’ve got it all!

We all want to track our progress and see results as we go, even if it’s small. GymRa provides tools that allow you to create goals and accomplish them. We also provide weekly challenges that will help you get into tip-top shape in no time!

Music makes the world go round and it has the ability to pump you up and get you moving! Everyone has a list of favorite songs that motivate them and put them in a good mood. At Gymra, we’ve tried our best to provide motivating music for you to enjoy, but we also know that music is a subjective experience so we have given you the option of uploading your own music to play on top of our videos. This allows an even more enjoyable and customizable experience!

If you haven’t already joined us, we hope that you will take a look around our website and find the perfect routine for you. Transform yourself, get fit & healthy!


GymRa Fitness

GymRa is simpler, smarter fitness with endless options to eliminate workout plateaus & the best tools for a busy, active lifestyle.