If you’ve spent any time at a gym you know that some of your fellow gym members may lack manners and consideration for others. It can also be difficult for newcomers to the gym scene to know the rules of conduct. Believe it or not gym etiquette is not that different from etiquette in any public space. It’s important to be aware of how your behavior affects the other gym goers as well. Not sure of the basic do’s and don’t of the gym? Here’s a little refresher course in gym etiquette 101:
The Locker Room Isn’t Your Living Room
Sometimes the locker room can feel like our home away from home- except it isn’t. It’s a shared space. While you may feel totally comfortable strutting around in the buff, be mindful of others who are not. Sure, it may feel great to let it all hang out after a relaxing trip to the sauna or after an energizing workout, but you may be unknowingly offending someone else. Of course there are times you’ll be showing a little extra skin in the locker room (it’s where you’re supposed to get undressed, afterall) but keep a towel handy so that you can cover up if need be.
Get Off The Phone
The gym is a public space and just like any other public space, you should keep your phone conversations (and all phone use) to a minimum. Chatting away loudly, tweeting, taking numerous selfies and listening to your tunes sans headphones are all obnoxious, disruptive behaviors for you and your fellow gym goers. If you’re constantly scrolling through Instagram, taking the perfect selfie or talking on your phone you’re not making the most of your workout and you’re disturbing other people who are there to get in a good sweat. If you have to take a call, step outside.
Put Your Equipment Away
No one likes to trip over a set of dumbbells. No one wants to step over your mat or move your bosu ball out of the way. Yes, there are employees who are paid to keep the gym clean and organized, but they are not your personal concierge. Pick up after yourself so that everyone can enjoy the facility.
Always Wipe Down Your Equipment
You may not be dripping in sweat, but it’s considerate and healthy to wipe down your equipment after using it. The BBC recently reported that there are a number of bacteria and viruses that you can pick up from using dirty mats and equipment. Protect yourself and others- grab a wipe and wipe down your equipment!
Don’t Use The Gym As Your Dating Pool
One of the best ways to meet someone is to check out the people who have your shared interests. Dating at the gym is common, however there are certain etiquette rules and standards to keep in mind. The gym is a safe space for anyone to focus on their fitness- not you. No one should have to feel as though they are constantly being leered at, catcalled or made to feel uncomfortable while they’re exercising.
Don’t Sit On Equipment That You’re Not Using
There are designated areas to sit at the gym. Most gyms have cozy lobbies with tables, chairs and sofas. The locker rooms are filled with benches and chairs. Many gyms also have smaller studios within the gyms that are empty during off peak hours where you can sit to your heart’s content. Places you shouldn’t sit at the gym? On equipment. When you’re sitting on equipment and not using it, you’re thoughtlessly giving off the vibe that you’ve claimed the machine.
Unless Someone Asks, Don’t Offer Any Advice
Although your intentions may be pure, nothing is more irritating than unsolicited advice at the gym by a total stranger. You may think you’re looking out for someone by commenting on their incorrect form, or suggesting a variety of different exercise to help them target a trouble area, but your uninvited input may make the person feel self-conscious and unwelcome.
Don’t Make Fun Of Other Gym Goers
This should go without saying, but please don’t make fun of anyone else at the gym. Everyone is there for the same reason- they want to workout and be healthy! No one is there for your amusement. No Snapchats, no sneaky Boomerangs and no rude Instagram stories poking fun at other people in the gym.