
6 Habits That Lead to a Long Healthy Life

Live a long and healthy life with these six effective habits!

Eats Lots of Healthy Whole Plants

Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans and whole grains can promote longevity and decrease your chances of developing life threatening illnesses!

Many studies have shown that a plant based diet is linked to a reduced chance of heart disease, depression, brain deterioration, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and premature death. Plants are rich in a number of antioxidants and nutrients like folate, vitamin C, polyphenols and carotenoids.

Several studies have also shown that vegan and vegetarian diets have been linked to a 12-15% decrease in a chance of premature death.

It’s also helpful to note that vegans and vegetarians tend to be more health conscious than meat eaters. This may contribute to why people who abstain from eating meat live longer lives.

Avoid Chronic Stress and Anxiety

Stress less and chill more to increase your chances of a long life!

Reports show that women who are struggling with chronic anxiety or stress are two times more likely to die from lung cancer, stroke or heart disease.

Reports also show that men who are dealing with chronic stress and anxiety are three times more likely than women to die a premature death.

If you’re battling stress and anxiety, turn to healthy strategies like laughter, relaxation methods, and optimism to help you manage your stress. Studies show that pessimism is linked to a 42% higher chance of early death compared to optimistic individuals. A bright, sunny, outlook on life paired with laughter and relaxation can add years to your life!

Add Turmeric to Your Diet

Thanks to the presence of curcumin, turmeric is praised as a potent anti-aging spice!

Curcumin has  powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help to manage heart, lung and brain function. Curcumin is also linked to combating age-related diseases and cancer.

Add turmeric to your soups or enjoy a golden milk latte!

Avoid Overeating

You may have already heard that there’s a strong link between calorie consumption and longevity. Studies have shown that reducing calories by 10-50% can boost your lifespan and reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Limiting calorie intake has also been tied to a lower risk of belly fat and overall excess body weight which are known causes of a reduced life span.

While reduced calorie consumption has many positive effects, more research needs to be done to determine how it plays a role in anti-aging and longevity for humans.

Maintain and Nurture Social Relationships

Strong social relationships may be the key to living longer! Researchers have found that cultivating healthy, loving relationships in your life can help you to live 50% longer.

You don’t need a large circle of friends to reap these benefits. Studies show that having as few as three social ties can reduce your risk of a premature death by an incredible 200%. Having bonds and connections to other people can be beneficial for hormonal and immune function, and effective for elevating strong changes in the brain and the heart.

Being a part of a social group can also have a positive impact on how you respond to stress – which ties into the power of positive thinking when it comes to longevity.

Studies have also shown how important it is to give support to friends and family to live a long, happy life!

Exercise and be Active

Prioritizing exercise and being active can help you live a longer, healthier life! All it takes is as little as 15 minutes a day to prolong your life by three years! For each additional 15 minutes that you tack onto your exercise routine you can increase your lifespan by 4%.

A recent study also found that there was a 22% chance of lowering the risk of an early death for individuals who worked out less than the suggested 150 minutes per week. For individuals who worked out the recommended amount of 150 minutes per week, the study found that they were 28% less likely to have an early death. For those that went above and beyond 150 minutes, they increased their chances of living by 35%.

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