
5 Ways to Bounce Back After a Weekend of Partying


Ate or drank too much last weekend? We’ve all been there. The real problem is what happens after – in our mind and body. For those who are on a diet, a weekend of partying can ruin everything. Fortunately, you can erase the damage and get back to your routine. All it takes is an action plan and some willpower. So, here are five ways to bounce back after a weekend of overindulgence:

Go Raw
Raw food cleanses your body and helps flush out toxins. The best thing you can do right now is to go on a raw food diet for the next few days. Eat plenty of spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, fresh fruits, and raw nuts. If you can afford it, switch to organic foods.

Stay Hydrated
If you’ve been drinking over the weekend, you might be dehydrated. Alcohol has diuretic effects and depletes your body of vital nutrients. As soon as you get home, drink plenty of water, unsweetened ice tea, and herbal tea. Someone who weighs 150 pounds should drink at least 75 ounces of water a day. This helps prevent dehydration, regulates the appetite, and curbs cravings.

Drink Green Smoothies
Mix wheat grass, chlorella, spirulina, kale and other greens to make smoothies. These foods are rich in fiber and antioxidants, so they cleanse your liver. Green smoothies may also improve digestion and energize the body. Add ginger, cayenne, or cinnamon to rev up your metabolism.

After a weekend of overindulgence, your body has extra glycogen stored in the liver and muscles. Unless you work out hard, glycogen will be stored as fat. The best way to empty your glycogen stores is doing HIIT or other high intensity workouts.

Relax and Rest Well
If you’ve been partying this weekend, your body needs to recover. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night, take daily walks, and pamper yourself with a massage or a warm bath. Forgive yourself for overindulging and avoid the scale in the next few days.

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