
5 “Healthy” Foods That Make You Hungry


Are you always hungry and ready to eat? What does your diet look like? Many so-called “healthy” foods actually cause hunger and cravings, leading to weight gain in the long run. That’s because they are packed with sugar, additives, and flavor enhancers that stimulate your appetite. Many of these foods lack fiber and contain nothing but empty calories, which explains their fattening effects.

Keep hunger at bay by ditching these so-called “healthy” snacks from your diet:

Energy Bars
Most energy bars are high in sugar or fructose, margarine, hydrogenated oil, and artificial flavors. Some boast over 500 calories per serving. Unless you’re training really hard, you don’t need energy bars. Eat a trail mix or some berries to ward off hunger.

Pretzels and other salty foods increase thirst and cravings by dehydrating you. They only contain white flour and fillers, and have no protein or fiber. Most people tend to overindulge, which makes things worse. If you’re craving salty treats, have some nuts or air-popped popcorn.

Breakfast cereals are anything but healthy. High in sugar, these calorie-laden treats make you fat and hungry. They also cause insulin spikes, which affects your mood and blood sugar levels. Whole grains are a much better option and boast a higher nutritional value. Oats, barley, whole wheat, brown rice, and whole pasta contain large amounts of fiber and complex carbs that provide steady energy.

Sushi Rolls
These treats pack more than 30 grams of carbs per serving, and have little or no protein. They are usually served with mayo, soy sauce, and dips that increase their calories. Sushi rolls increase hunger, spike your blood sugar levels, and ruin your diet. If you care about your health, order sashimi or swap white rice for brown.

Chewing Gum
Although chewing gum is sugar free, it stimulates gastric juices and saliva production. This leads to hunger pangs and cravings, bloating, gastric acid reflux, and digestive discomfort.

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